Is Getting a Home Mortgage Still Too Difficult?

Published | Posted by Glen Langford

Potential homebuyers are always cautioned to be aware of mortgage lending standards and the difficulty they might face when trying to obtain a mortgage. Credit availability is expanding, making it easier to get a mortgage now than it was a year ago. The market is still tight however, and homebuyers should be prepared to shop around until they find a lender who is offering something that will meet the needs of their family.

Mortgage lending companies have high standards so it is important to make sure you and anyone else who will be included on the mortgage have their credit in check. The mortgage market is strict because lenders do not want to be put in a situation where they are forced to repurchase loans that are not paid on. They also do not want to end up in a litigation situation due to loan issues.

What Has Happened to the Number of Mortgages?

Due to the strict nature and requirements of the lending companies, the number of mortgages given out has significantly dropped. A report by the Housing Financial Policy Center at the Urban Institute showed that about 6.3 million fewer mortgages were given out between 2009 and 2015. The reasons behind this statistic are strict regulations and policies. These mortgages would have been granted if the lending standards where more reasonable.

Mortgage companies rely on calculations to determine if a home buyer will become delinquent on their payment. They will not give you a loan if you are too much of a risk for them. Credit history has a huge impact on this decision since lenders can see how often you pay back your debts. The history they receive is extensive. This view into your financial past causes lenders to take less risk when lending to you for your mortgage.

The Effect on the Economy

The housing market is recovering at a slower pace than it should since less potential homebuyers are being offered loans. While the market is still recovering with positive trends, fewer buyers can create a strain on other economic factors like home goods or construction jobs. Bottom Line

After the housing market boom and bust, mortgage lenders became stricter in their lending standards. It is not impossible to get a mortgage loan, but it can still be difficult for potential home buyers. Stay on top of your credit and make sure you and anyone else who is applying are in a good financial position so you can be approved for a loan. It is important to research different companies and their requirements to ensure success in getting a mortgage.

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